
January 8, 2021

Keys to Behavior Change

Desired change means it is something people want to do. This is Fogg Maxim #1: Help people do what they already want to do. Understanding Behavior Design is the first step to achieving any desired change. BJ Fogg, PhD, explains Behavior Design in his book Tiny Habits as B=MAP; Behavior equals Motivation, Ability and Prompt. These three elements must happen at the same moment for the behavior to occur. We often rely on motivation or willpower to make changes. The behavior will not last unless the task is easy enough and has a prompt. Fogg uses the terms ability and […]
December 17, 2020

Seven Brain-Based Tips for Better Performance Management

Companies started throwing out performance rating scales and stopped ranking people from best to worst more than ten years ago. The first lesson learned is conversations about compensation and conversations about performance improvement are two different conversations. Companies that still combine these conversations spend too much time looking backward. Tip #1: The compensation conversation stands alone. Compensation is based on the contribution to the company. That contribution is defined by the execution of the position’s purpose, the well-written job description. Performance standards should clearly define the expectations and behaviors.  Tip #2: Mitigate biases. There are so many ways bias creeps […]
November 10, 2020

Never Give Up, Never Give In

Most people initially react to adverse life events with a sense of uneasiness and negativity, but over time seem to adapt. People somehow “bounce back” from tragedy and trauma. Early resilience researchers Garmezy and Masten defined resilience as the process of, capacity for, or outcome of successful adaptation despite challenging circumstances. Resilience is measured by how quickly and strongly we respond to adversity. There is a difference between resiliency and resilience. Ego resiliency is a set of traits of resourcefulness, sturdiness of character, and flexibility in response to circumstances. Resiliency signifies a personality trait. Masten cautioned against using the term […]
October 13, 2020

Always On, Exhausted, Getting Out

One in four women are considering leaving work or reducing their career. Many women feel they are doing it all, but not doing any of it very well. Pressures created by the pandemic are causing women to experience certain challenges more than men. These include worrying their performance is being judged because of caregiving responsibilities, feeling the need to be available to work at all hours, feeling blind-sided by decisions that affect their daily work routine, housework and caregiving responsibilities and discomfort in sharing their challenges at work.  Women with children under 10 years old are most likely to leave […]