nora akins

February 1, 2009

Team Building Old & New

Employees need to feel secure about the future, proud and a part of their companies to perform at their best. Few companies can deliver that supportive environment today. Whether a company is directly impacted by today’s economy or not, people cannot escape the economic tension. During these times of uncertainty, teambuilding may help support the emotional needs of employees. Teamwork has been promoted as a management solution since Bruce Tuckman introduced the Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing Model in the mid-1960s. Tuckman added Adjourning as a final stage ten years later. Paul Hershey and Ken Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Theory ® (SLT) […]
January 1, 2009

What about me?

A mass layoff is loosely defined as a single employer laying off at least 50 employees. The statistics are measured by new filings of unemployment insurance benefits for each month. In October of 2007, Indiana had 29 mass layoff events and 5,129 initial claims for unemployment. This past October, Indiana had 63 such events and 7,961 initial unemployment claims. The majority of these companies are still in business. Recent studies have revealed the effect down-sizing has on the survivors. We have all heard doing more with less. Sirota Survey Intelligence, a New York based HR Consulting firm conducted an employee […]
November 1, 2008

Measuring Performance

The knowledge age requires companies to rely more on their human capital than ever before. Discretionary effort (employee engagement) is today’s competitive advantage. Establishing a performance management system is essential to build and retain an engaged workforce. Performance measurements communicate expectations. Measurements must be aligned with the company’s vision and values and reflect the essence of the job description. Focusing on a few critical performance measures that draw a line to the company’s purpose provide meaningful goals. Annual goals should be stationary and achievable. These will not only direct the employees’ actions, but also focus the manager’s energy toward achievement […]
October 1, 2008

Combat Entitlement

Some managers are struggling with the Generation X and Y employees. The younger (almost) half of our workforce has been branded as having a sense of entitlement. They are smart, technically savvy and expect to be placed on the fast track to management as a result of completing their orientation. Entitled employees come in all ages. Boomers and Traditionalists who believe they have paid their dues may feel just as entitled. Employee entitlement may be more a result of nurture, than nature. An organizational psychologist, Ben Dattner believes employee entitlement is the result of a faulty psychological contract. This contract […]